These are instructions on how to flash or write IMEI on Qualcomm, MTK, SpreadTrum devices using Read&Write Tool.
Requirements: Your device should be based on Qualcomm, MTK, SpreadTrum chipset and have at least 20-30 percent of device battery.
Write or Flash IMEI using Read&Write Tool
- Download and extract Read&Write Tool on your computer. After extracting you will be able to see the following files:
- Now, Open WRTool.exe.
- Once, Read&Write Tool is launched, you will be able to see the following screen:
- Now, Open Settings by Clicking on File > Config (to open settings).
- Once, Settings is launched, you will be able to see the following screen:
- Now, under PlateformConfig select your Device Chipset Type (for example, if you have MediaTek device then choose MTK, if you have Qualcomm device then choose QQcomm and if you have Spreadtrum device then choose Spreadtrum).
- Now, under ComPort select USB.
- Now, under DataFileConfig choose BP and AP file from your device stock firmware file (both file comes with the mediatek stock firmware and if you dont have mediatek device then you dont have to add the BP and AP file).
- If you have dual SIM device then select the IMEI1 and IMEI2 then Click on OK to continue.
- Now, Write the IMEI in the IMEI1 and IMEI2 Box (if you have dual sim device).
- Now, Click on Write to begin the Write or Flash Process.
- Usually Writing IMEI takes a minute to complete. Once IMEI writing is done you will see green Pass message.
[*] Support By using Read&Write Tool you can flash IMEI on Qualcomm, MTK, SpreadTrum chipset devices easily.
[*] Alternative Tools If you have MediaTek Device then you can flash IMEI using SN Write Tool, if you have Spreadtrum Device then you can flash IMEI using WriteIMEI Tool.
[*] Caution Flashing IMEI other than the original is illegal and may cause serious trouble to you, So beware.
[*] Credits Read&Write Tool is created by WangWenJiang. So, full credit goes to him for the tool. Without this tool the above tutorial was not possible.