How to use SN Write Tool to Write IMEI on MediaTek Devices

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These are instructions on how to Write, Flash, Fix, or Change the IMEI number on MediaTek devices using the SN Write Tool.

Caution: Writing or flashing IMEI other than the original is illegal. Therefore, we do not recommend or force you to flash or write IMEI other than the original on your MediaTek devices.

Write, Flash, Fix, or Change IMEI on MediaTek devices

  1. Download and install Mediatek Drivers on the computer. If in case Mediatek Drivers are already installed on the computer, then SKIP this step.
  2. USB Logo
  3. Download and extract SN Write Tool on the computer. After extracting the tool, you will be able to see the following files:
  4. SN Write Tool Files
  5. Open SN Writer.exe to Launch the Tool:
  6. SN Write Tool Open
  7. Once SN Write Tool is launched, you will be able to see the following screen:
  8. SN Write Tool
  9. Click on the ComPort Dropdown Menu and Select USB VCOM option.
  10. SN Write Tool Comport
  11. Click on Target Type Dropdown Menu and Select Smart Phone option (only if you want to write IMEI on Smartphone; alternatively if you want to Write IMEI on FeaturePhone then Select FeaturePhone option):
  12. SN Write Tool Target Type
  13. Click on System Config button:
  14. SN Write Tool Target System
  15. Once System Config dialog box is launched, Tick IMEI checkbox in the Write Option. If your device has a Dual-SIM feature, then Tick the Dual IMEI checkbox under IMEI Option:
  16. In Short: For Dual-SIM device IMEI and Dual IMEI Checkbox should be checked.

    SN Write Tool Write Option
  17. Under the Database File Option, Click on the AP_DB Button and Locate the AP File of your device (you can find this file inside your device Stock Firmware or find it in the AB BP base folder).
  18. SN Write Tool AP Database SN Write Tool AP Database Select
  19. Click on the MD1_DB Button and Locate the BP File of your device (you can find this file inside your device Stock Firmware of your device or find it in the AB BP base folder).
  20. SN Write Tool BP Database SN Write Tool BP Database Select
  21. Click on Save button:
  22. SN Write Tool Save
  23. Click on Start button:
  24. SN Write Tool Start
  25. Under the Scan Data Write/Input the IMEI_1 and IMEI_2 and Click on the OK button:
  26. SN Write Tool Scan Data
  27. Power off your Device and Remove the battery (only if the battery is removable), and Connect the device to the Computer using the USB Cable.
  28. Once the Tool detects the device, it will automatically Write/Flash the IMEI number on the device. And Once the IMEI writing is finished, you will see the Green Pass message on the Tool:
  29. SN Write Tool Success

    Congratulations! You just learned to Write/Flash IMEI on MediaTek devices using the SN Write Tool.


Download AP BP Base If you are looking for the latest AP BP base (for almost all the MediaTek devices), then head over to the Download AP BP Base page.

Caution: Writing or flashing IMEI other than the original is illegal. Therefore, we do not recommend or force you to flash or write IMEI other than the original on your MediaTek device.

Mediatek Driver If you are looking for the Mediatek Driver which supports SN Write Tool, then head over to the Download Mediatek Driver page.

Credits: SN Write Tool is created and distributed by MediaTek Inc. So, full credit goes to them for sharing the tool for free.