How to flash Stock ROM using LiveSuit Application

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These are instructions on how to Flash or Install Stock ROM (firmware) on devices powered by AllWinner Chipset using the LiveSuit Application.

Requirements Your AllWinner Device should have at least 20-30 percent of battery to perform the Flashing Process.

Flash or install .img Stock ROM (firmware) using LiveSuit Application

  1. Download and install Android ADB Drivers on the computer (if in case ADB Drivers are already installed on the computer, then SKIP this step).
  2. USB Logo
  3. Download and extract LiveSuit Application on the computer. After Extracting, you will be able to see the following files:
  4. LiveSuit files
  5. Now, Open LiveSuit.exe from the extracted files:
  6. Open LiveSuit.exe
  7. Once LiveSuit.exe is launched, Select Yes to follow the Upgrade Wizard.
  8. LiveSuit Enter Upgrade Guide
  9. Now, You have to Select the Upgrade Mode which is General and Mandatory. Click on Mandatory to continue.
  10. LiveSuit Enter Mandatory Mode
  11. Now, Unplug all the connected Smartphone and tablets from the computer (if you have already connected), then Click on Next button to Continue.
  12. LiveSuit Mandatory Mode
  13. Now, You have to select the .img firmware. If you are ready Click on Yes Button and locate the .img Firmware on your computer.
  14. LiveSuit Select New Image File LiveSuit Select Img File
  15. Now, Dont Click on Finish Button.
  16. LiveSuit Mandatory Mode Instructions
  17. Now, It is the right time to connect your Mobile Device to the Computer using the USB Cable (make sure its Power Off).
  18. Mobile USB Computer

    Firstly, Connect the USB cable to the computer, then Press and Hold the Volume Down Key on your Mobile Device and Connect the USB cable. While holding the Volume Down Key immediately Press Power Key for 10 times, so that the computer can recognize your device.

  19. Once your computer successfully recognizes your Mobile Device, you will be able to see the following Window saying to Mandatory Format the Device. Click on Yes to Continue.
  20. LiveSuit Mandatory Format
  21. On the next Windows, again Click on Yes Button to continue.
  22. Now, LiveSuite will start the flashing process (flashing or installation process may take 4-6 minutes to complete).
  23. LiveSuit Flashing
  24. Once Flashing is completed successfully then you will be able to see Upgrade Succeeds Window. Click on OK to Close it.
  25. LiveSuit Upgrade Succeeds
  26. Now, close LiveSuit Application by clicking on the Exit Button.
  27. LiveSuit Exit
  28. Disconnect your Device from the Computer and Restart it.
  29. Congratulations, You have successfully flashed the stock ROM (firmware) using LiveSuit Application.


Device Not Found Error If you are facing Device Not Found error, then it means your device is not correctly connected to the computer, re-insert the USB cable to the computer or try with another USB cable.

Caution: Take a completed backup of your device before using the LiveSuit Application because, during the flashing process, your data will be removed.

Alternative Tool: Phoenixsuit, Phoenix USB Pro and PhoenixCard are the best alternatives, which also allows you to Flash the Allwinner IMG firmware on the Allwinner Devices.

Credits: Live Suit is created and distributed by Allwinner Technology Co. LTD. So, full credit goes to them for sharing the tool for free.