These are instructions on how to flash or install stock firmware on Qualcomm devices using the Qualcomm SW Downloader Application.
Requirements The following tutorial will only work on Qualcomm Feature Phone, Smartphone, and Tablets. It will not work on devices which are having other chipsets.
Use Qualcomm SW Downloader
- Download and extract the Qualcomm USB Driver on your Computer (if in case Qualcomm Drivers are already installed on the computer, then SKIP this step).
- Download Stock Firmware of your Qualcomm Device and extract it on the computer (you can find the Stock Firmware on FirmwareFile or through Google).
- Download and extract Qualcomm SW Downloader on your computer. After, extracting you will be able to see the following files:
- Now Open SWDownloader.exe
- Once the tool is launched, you will be able to see the following window:
- Click on the Browse button and locate the firmware folder (which you have downloaded in Step#2).
- Click on the Chipset and Select the platform of your device (platform number is written on the device box or on the back Sticker of your device).
- If you want to restore the NAV or EFS file, then Click on the Settings button or else SKIP this step.
- Power Off your device.
- Connect the device to the computer using the USB Cable.
- Click on the Start Download button to begin the flashing process.
- Once the Flashing process is completed you will be able to see the Success message on the flash tool.
- Disconnect your device from the computer and Restart it.

[*] Compatible Driver Qualcomm SW Downloader may only works with the compatible driver which we have shared above. If you are using any other Qualcomm driver then it may not work for you.
[*] Caution There are a few options available in the Settings Window, which includes Erase Data. If you tick this option by mistake, then it will erase the data from the device during the Flashing process.
[*] How to Flash IMEI? If you want to Write or Flash IMEI on Qualcomm Smartphone, Tablet, or Feature Phone, then use SN Writer Tool to Write the IMEI. You can Find the SN Writer Tool with the Flash Tool.
[*] Credits Qualcomm SW Downloader is created and distributed by WaterWorld D12. So, full credit goes to them for sharing the application for free.