These are instructions on how to use Qcom EMCP Multi-Port Software Upgrade Tool to flash or install the firmware on Qualcomm Devices.
Caution Flashing or installing firmware using the Qcom EMCP Multi-Port Tool will wipe the data. Therefore, we recommend you take a backup of your data before following the tutorial below.
Install Firmware on Qualcomm Devices using the Qcom EMCP Multi-Port Software Upgrade Tool
- Download and extract the Qualcomm USB Driver on your Computer (if in case Qualcomm Drivers are already installed on the computer, then SKIP this step).
- Download Stock Firmware (.mbn or .xml based) of your Qualcomm Device and extract it on the computer (you can find the Stock Firmware on FirmwareFile or through Google).
- Download and extract Qcom EMCP Multi-Port Tool on the Computer. Once Qcom EMCP Multi-Port Tool is extracted, you will be able to see the following files:
- Open QCOM_MultiDnload(vc10)_ENU.exe to launch the Tool:
- Once Qcom EMCP Multi-Port Tool is launched, you will be able to see the following window:
- Connect your Qualcomm Device to the Computer using the USB Cable (make sure the device is Power Off).
- Once the device is connected to the Computer, Open Device Manager on the Tool:
- Once the Device Manager is Launched, you can see the COM port of your connected Qualcomm Device (remember the COM port and close the device manager).
- Now, Tick any of the Port ID to Enable it:
- Choose the COM Port (shown in Step#8):
- Click on the Software Version button and Locate the Firmware Folder of your Qualcomm Device:
- Click on the Start All button to begin the installation process:
- Once the installation process is completed, you will be able to see the Upgrade Finished Message on the tool:

Congratulations! Now, Close the Qcom EMCP Multi-Port Tool and Disconnect your Mobile device from the Computer and restart it.
[*] Compatibility Issue You might face the Compatibility issue on Windows 8, 8.1 and 10. Therefore, we recommend you to use the tool with Compatibility mode set for Windows 7.
[*] Write or Fix IMEI If you want to write or fix IMEI on your Qualcomm Device, then head over to How to use Qualcomm Smartphone Write IMEI Tool page.
[*] Qualcomm USB Driver If you are looking for the original Qualcomm USB Driver, then head over to the Qualcomm Driver page.
[*] Credits Qcom EMCP Multi-Port Software Upgrade Tool is created and distributed by Uniscope Technologies Shanghai Co Ltd. So, full credit goes to them for sharing the Application for free.