These are instructions on how to Extract KDZ Firmware (file or ROM) using the LG Firmware Extract Tool on Windows Computer.
How to Extract Contents of .kdz or .dz File/Firmware
- Download LG Stock Firmware (which contains the kdz or dz firmware) on the Computer. If in case you have already downloaded the firmware on the computer, then SKIP this step.
- Download LG Firmware Extract Tool on the Computer. If in case you have already downloaded the LG Firmware Extract Tool on the computer, then SKIP this step.
- Once you have downloaded the LG Firmware Extract Tool on your computer, Extract it. After extracting the package, you will be able to see the following files:
- Now, Open WindowsLGFirmwareExtract.exe.
- Click on the KDZ Open Button and Locate the KDZ Firmware (that you have downloaded in Step#1). If you have a DZ File, then Click on the DZ open Button and locate the Firmware.
- Once you have located the KDZ/DZ Firmware, Double Click on the File to Add it to the Tool.
- Once the KDZ/DZ File is loaded in the Tool, it will automatically display the contents of the KDZ/DZ file.
- Select the File that you want to Extract from the KDZ/DZ File.
- Then Finally, Click on the Extract KDZ button to begin the Extracting process.
- Extracting process may take a few minutes to complete.
- The Extracted File can be found in the Tool Folder (same folder from where you launched the WindowsLGFirmwareExtract.exe tool in Step#3).

Once the tool is launched, you will be able to see the following window:

[*] LG Firmware Extract Tool also helps you to extract the contents of .DZ and TOT File.
[*] Know Issue LG Firmware Extract Tool may not work with all the LG Firmware. As a result, you may sometimes face the Not a KDZ or a TOT File Error while loading the KDZ File. In this situation, try another KDZ File.
[*] LG USB Driver If you are looking for the Official LG Driver, then head over to the LG USB Driver page.
[*] Credits Big thanks to bullghost (xda developer) for creating the tool. Without using the LG Firmware Extract Tool, the above tutorial was not possible.