These are instructions on how to Speed Up Google Chrome Browser on any Android Device which includes Smartphone and tablets.
This tutorial isn’t working (outdated) on the latest built of Chrome browser, as Google has removed the Max-Tiles feature from the latest built of Chrome browser.
Speed up Chrome Browser on any Android Device
- Open Google Chrome Browser on your Smartphone or Tablet.
- Once Chrome Opens, Type chrome://flags/#max-tiles-for-interest-area in the address bar and Tap on Go.
- Now, under “Maximum tiles for interest area“, carefully change the Default Value to 256 or 512 (the higher will consumes more RAM on your device and will run chrome more faster and lag free).
- Once you are done, Tap on the Relaunch Button from the Below of your browser.
- Once Google Chrome is launched again, you will experience Lag Free and stable performance even after opening so many tabs.
Requirements You should be have some basic skills to change the Values at least. Otherwise everything is useless and waste of time.
By default Google Browser using 130 mb to 150 mb of RAM on your Android Device. Which clearly tells that the more tab you opens the more lag you will experience while scrolling the pages. Thus in this case the above tutorial is very useful.
Works on Chrome Browser The Above tutorial works on Google Browser for Android and iOS Devices.
Works on Windows PC too If you are using Chrome Browser on Windows PC then also you can speed up your chrome browser with the same trick. Simply Open your Browser and type chrome://flags/#max-tiles-for-interest-area then set the value to maximum and enjoy the lag free performance.
Credits: The above tip was submitted by erythrocytes64 on Reddit. So full credits goes to him only.
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