Fly USB Driver helps you to connect your Fly Smartphone and Tablets to the Windows Computer and transfer data between the device and the computer.
It also allows you to flash or install Fly Stock Firmware on your Fly Device using the preloader drivers. Here on this page, we have shared the official Fly USB Driver for all Fly devices.

Download Fly Mobile Driver
Model Name | Download |
Fly 5S | Driver |
Fly 2040 | Driver |
Fly 2040i | Driver |
Fly B200 | Driver |
Fly B240 | Driver |
Fly B241 | Driver |
Fly B300 | Driver |
Fly B400 | Driver |
Fly B500 | Driver |
Fly B501 | Driver |
Fly B600 | Driver |
Fly B700 | Driver |
Fly Banana | Driver |
Fly Champ | Driver |
Fly Cirrus 3 | Driver |
Fly Cirrus 4 | Driver |
Fly Cirrus 6 | Driver |
Fly Cirrus 7 | Driver |
Fly Cirrus 8 | Driver |
Fly Cirrus 11 | Driver |
Fly Cirrus 12 | Driver |
Fly Cirrus 13 | Driver |
Fly Cirrus 13 FS518 | Driver |
Fly Cirrus 14 | Driver |
Fly Cirrus 16 | Driver |
Fly DS100 | Driver |
Fly DS102 | Driver |
Fly DS103 | Driver |
Fly DS103D | Driver |
Fly DS104D | Driver |
Fly DS105 | Driver |
Fly DS105C | Driver |
Fly DS105D | Driver |
Fly DS106 | Driver |
Fly DS106D | Driver |
Fly DS107 | Driver |
Fly DS107D | Driver |
Fly DS110 | Driver |
Fly DS111 | Driver |
Fly DS113 | Driver |
Fly DS115 | Driver |
Fly DS115 Plus | Driver |
Fly DS116 | Driver |
Fly DS116 Plus | Driver |
Fly DS120 | Driver |
Fly DS120 Plus | Driver |
Fly DS123 | Driver |
Fly DS124 | Driver |
Fly DS125 | Driver |
Fly DS128 | Driver |
Fly DS129 | Driver |
Fly DS130 | Driver |
Fly DS131 | Driver |
Fly DS132 | Driver |
Fly DS133 | Driver |
Fly DS150 | Driver |
Fly DS155 | Driver |
Fly DS156 | Driver |
Fly DS160 | Driver |
Fly DS165 | Driver |
Fly DS167 | Driver |
Fly DS169 | Driver |
Fly DS170 | Driver |
Fly DS180 | Driver |
Fly DS185 | Driver |
Fly DS210 | Driver |
Fly DS500 | Driver |
Fly E100 | Driver |
Fly E105 | Driver |
Fly E110 | Driver |
Fly E115 | Driver |
Fly E120 | Driver |
Fly E125 | Driver |
Fly E130 | Driver |
Fly E131 | Driver |
Fly E133 | Driver |
Fly E134 | Driver |
Fly E135TV | Driver |
Fly E140 | Driver |
Fly E141TV | Driver |
Fly E145 | Driver |
Fly E145TV | Driver |
Fly E146 | Driver |
Fly E147TV | Driver |
Fly E150 | Driver |
FLY E151 | Driver |
Fly E154 | Driver |
Fly E155 | Driver |
Fly E157 | Driver |
Fly E158 | Driver |
Fly E170 | Driver |
Fly E171 | Driver |
Fly E175 | Driver |
Fly E176 | Driver |
Fly E181 Sophie | Driver |
Fly E185 | Driver |
Fly E190 | Driver |
Fly Eagle Eye Pro | Driver |
Fly Energy 4000 | Driver |
Fly Evo Energy 5 IQ4504 | Driver |
Fly Ezzy 4 | Driver |
Fly Ezzy 5 | Driver |
Fly Ezzy 6 | Driver |
Fly Ezzy 7 | Driver |
Fly Ezzy 8 | Driver |
Fly Ezzy 9 | Driver |
Fly Ezzy Trendy 3 | Driver |
Fly F8s | Driver |
Fly F32 | Driver |
Fly F40 | Driver |
Fly F40 Plus | Driver |
Fly F41s | Driver |
Fly F45Q | Driver |
Fly F45s | Driver |
Fly F50Q | Driver |
Fly F50s | Driver |
Fly F51 | Driver |
Fly F53s | Driver |
Fly Mobile F111 | Driver |
Fly F195 | Driver |
Fly F196 | Driver |
Fly F197 | Driver |
Fly F255 | Driver |
Fly F256 | Driver |
Fly F350 | Driver |
Fly F350s | Driver |
Fly F351 | Driver |
Fly F352 | Driver |
Fly F410 | Driver |
Fly F451s | Driver |
Fly FF177 | Driver |
Fly FF178 | Driver |
Fly FF179 | Driver |
Fly FF180 | Driver |
Fly FF181 | Driver |
Fly FF182 | Driver |
Fly FF183 | Driver |
Fly FF188 | Driver |
Fly FF190 | Driver |
Fly FF191 | Driver |
Fly FF241 | Driver |
Fly FF242 | Driver |
Fly FF243 | Driver |
FLY FF244 | Driver |
Fly FF246 | Driver |
FLY FF247 | Driver |
Fly FF248 | Driver |
Fly FF249 | Driver |
Fly FF250 | Driver |
Fly FF281 | Driver |
Fly FF301 | Driver |
Fly FF2801 | Driver |
Fly Flylife Connect 7 3G | Driver |
Fly Flylife Connect 7.85 3G Slim | Driver |
FLY FS408 | Driver |
Fly FS458 Stratus 7 | Driver |
Fly FS458N | Driver |
FLY FS459 | Driver |
Fly FS501 | Driver |
Fly FS502 | Driver |
Fly FS516 | Driver |
Fly FS517 | Driver |
FLY FS520 | Driver |
FLY FS522 | Driver |
FLY FS524 | Driver |
Fly FS553 Cirrus 9 | Driver |
Fly FS554 Power Plus FHD | Driver |
Fly G1 | Driver |
Fly Hummer HT1 | Driver |
Fly Hummer HT1 SLT100 | Driver |
Fly Hummer HT2 | Driver |
Fly IQ230 | Driver |
Fly IQ235 | Driver |
Fly IQ236 | Driver |
Fly IQ237 | Driver |
Fly IQ238 | Driver |
Fly IQ239 | Driver |
Fly IQ239 Plus | Driver |
Fly IQ240 Whizz | Driver |
Fly IQ245 | Driver |
Fly IQ245 Plus | Driver |
Fly IQ246 | Driver |
Fly IQ250 | Driver |
Fly IQ255 | Driver |
Fly IQ256 | Driver |
Fly IQ260 | Driver |
Fly IQ270 | Driver |
Fly IQ275 Marathon | Driver |
Fly IQ280 | Driver |
Fly IQ285 | Driver |
Fly IQ300 | Driver |
Fly IQ310 | Driver |
Fly IQ320 | Driver |
Fly IQ360 3G | Driver |
Fly IQ400W | Driver |
Fly IQ430 Evoke | Driver |
Fly IQ431 Glory | Driver |
Fly IQ432 Era Nano 1 | Driver |
Fly IQ434 ERA Nano 5 | Driver |
Fly IQ436 Era Nano 3 | Driver |
Fly IQ436i Era Nano 9 | Driver |
Fly IQ440 Energie | Driver |
Fly IQ442 Quad | Driver |
Fly IQ443 Trend | Driver |
Fly IQ444 Quattro Diamond 2 | Driver |
Fly IQ445 Genius | Driver |
Fly IQ446 | Driver |
Fly IQ447 | Driver |
Fly IQ448 Chic | Driver |
Fly IQ451 | Driver |
Fly IQ454 | Driver |
Fly IQ455 | Driver |
Fly IQ456 Era Life 2 | Driver |
Fly IQ777 | Driver |
Fly IQ4403 | Driver |
Fly IQ4404 | Driver |
Fly IQ4405 | Driver |
Fly IQ4407 | Driver |
Fly IQ4410 Quad | Driver |
Fly IQ4410 Quad Phoenix | Driver |
Fly IQ4411 | Driver |
Fly IQ4412 | Driver |
Fly IQ4413 Quad | Driver |
Fly IQ4415 Quad | Driver |
Fly IQ4417 Era Energy 3 | Driver |
Fly IQ4490 Era Nano 4 | Driver |
Fly IQ4490i | Driver |
Fly IQ4491 Quad | Driver |
Fly IQ4501 EVO Energie 4 | Driver |
Fly IQ4502 Era Energy 1 Quad | Driver |
Fly IQ4504 | Driver |
Fly IQ4505 | Driver |
Fly IQ4511 Tornado One | Driver |
Fly IQ4514 | Driver |
Fly IQ4515 | Driver |
Fly IQ4520 Plus | Driver |
Fly IQ4520 Quad | Driver |
Fly IQ4522 Quad | Driver |
Fly IQ4530 | Driver |
Fly IQ4601 Era Style 2 | Driver |
Fly IQ4602 Quad | Driver |
Fly Knockout | Driver |
Fly Knockout FS524 | Driver |
Fly Levis | Driver |
Fly Life Ace | Driver |
Fly Life Compact 4G | Driver |
Fly Life Geo | Driver |
Fly Life Go | Driver |
Fly Life Jet | Driver |
Fly Life Mega | Driver |
Fly Life Play | Driver |
Fly Life Sky | Driver |
Fly Life Zen | Driver |
Fly LX500 | Driver |
Fly LX600 | Driver |
Fly LX610 Mega | Driver |
Fly M130 | Driver |
Fly MC100 | Driver |
Fly MC131 | Driver |
Fly MC135 | Driver |
Fly MC145 | Driver |
Fly MC150DS | Driver |
Fly MC155 | Driver |
Fly Memory Plus | Driver |
Fly Memory Plus FS528 | Driver |
Fly MX230 | Driver |
Fly MX330 | Driver |
Fly Nimbus 3 FS501 | Driver |
Fly Nimbus 4 FS551 | Driver |
Fly Nimbus 7 FS505 | Driver |
Fly Nimbus 8 | Driver |
Fly Nimbus 9 | Driver |
Fly Nimbus 9 FS509 | Driver |
Fly Nimbus 10 | Driver |
Fly Nimbus 10 FS512 | Driver |
Fly Nimbus 11 | Driver |
Fly Nimbus 11 FS455 | Driver |
Fly Nimbus 12 | Driver |
Fly Nimbus 12 FS510 | Driver |
Fly Nimbus 14 | Driver |
Fly Nimbus 15 | Driver |
Fly Nimbus 15 FS457 | Driver |
Fly Nimbus 16 | Driver |
Fly Nimbus 17 | Driver |
Fly Nimbus 17 FS527 | Driver |
Fly Photo Pro | Driver |
Fly Power Plus 1 FS521 | Driver |
Fly Power Plus 2 | Driver |
Fly Power Plus 2 FS526 | Driver |
Fly Power Plus 3 | Driver |
Fly Power Plus 5000 | Driver |
Fly Power Plus XXL | Driver |
Fly Power Plus XXL FS530 | Driver |
Fly Pride | Driver |
Fly Qik | Driver |
Fly Qik Plus | Driver |
Fly S5 Note3 82 | Driver |
Fly S5 Note3 92 Plus | Driver |
Fly Selfie 1 | Driver |
Fly Selfie 1 FS520 | Driver |
Fly SL399E | Driver |
Fly SL500i | Driver |
Fly SL500M | Driver |
Fly SL600 | Driver |
Fly Slimline | Driver |
Fly SLT100 | Driver |
Fly Snap | Driver |
Fly ST230 | Driver |
Fly ST240 | Driver |
Fly ST300 | Driver |
Fly ST305 | Driver |
Fly Stratus 3 | Driver |
Fly Stratus 3 FS404 | Driver |
Fly Stratus 4 | Driver |
Fly Stratus 5 | Driver |
Fly Stratus 6 FS407 | Driver |
Fly Stratus 8 | Driver |
Fly Stratus 9 | Driver |
Fly SX100 | Driver |
Fly SX200 | Driver |
Fly SX205 | Driver |
Fly SX210 | Driver |
Fly SX215 | Driver |
Fly SX220 | Driver |
Fly SX225 | Driver |
Fly TS90 | Driver |
Fly TS91 | Driver |
Fly TS105 | Driver |
Fly TS107 | Driver |
Fly TS110 | Driver |
Fly TS110 Plus | Driver |
Fly TS111 | Driver |
Fly TS111 Plus | Driver |
Fly TS113 | Driver |
Fly V11 | Driver |
Fly V107 | Driver |
Fly View | Driver |
Fly View Max | Driver |
The above Fly USB Driver are officially provided by Fly Mobile Inc. If in case any of the above drivers did not work for you, then you can complain to Fly Mobile Inc Officially or report to us using the comment box below.
For Windows Computer Only With the help of the above drivers, you can easily connect your Fly Smartphones and Tablets to the Windows computer only.
Fly Stock Firmware If you are looking for the original Stock Firmware, then head over to the Fly Stock Firmware page.
[*] Request Driver If you are looking for any specific driver that is not listed above, then you can request it through the comment box below (do not request driver from the contact page, or else it will be ignored).