APK Icon Editor for Windows

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APK Icon Editor is a small utility designed to make it easy to change the icons, names, versions, images, strings, and other resources of any Android App.

APK Icon Editor

Features of APK Icon Editor

Simple UI

The utility’s main window features a simple user interface that allows you to locate and load the APK file on the tool easily. Once the APK file is loaded, all the available icons will be immediately displayed and can be easily accessed.

Support Multiple Formats

It allows you to replace the default icons with other icons or images you may have extracted from various graphic files, including PNG, ICO, GIF, JPG, and BMP. After loading the icons or images, you can adjust their size, rotate, flip, apply a colour overlay, blur, or make them rounded.

Support Multiple Devices

It also enables you to create icons that are compatible with specific devices, including Android (default), BlackBerry (Q10, Z10, Z30, Passport), and Kindle Fire (supported by several models). You can select the desired device from the drop-down menu.

Other Options

It also allows you to modify the version code, version name, minimum SDK required by the app, target SDK, and application name values. Once the APK file is loaded in the tool, you can access these values under the Properties tab and edit them by double-clicking them.

Download APK Icon Editor

Following are the Download links from which you can download the tool for Windows (32-bit or 64-bit).

Version Windows Linux Mac
v1.3.0 Link
v1.4.0 Link
v1.5.0 Link
v1.6.0 Link Link
v1.7.0 Link Link Link
v1.7.1 Link Link Link
v1.8.0 Link Link Link
v2.0.0 Link Link Link
v2.1.0 Link Link Link
v2.2.0 Link Link Link


  1. Java Runtime: It is required to have Java Runtime Environment (JRE) installed on the computer to use the tool. Without JRE, the APK Icon Editor will not work correctly.
  2. Where to Download the APK Files? You can find or download the APK Files (App) through Google or directly from apkpure.com/apkmirror.com.
  3. What are the Default icon Sizes? The APK contains icons of different types and sizes: LDPI (36×36), MDPI (48×48), HDPI (72×72), XHDPI (96×96), XXHDPI (144×144), XXXHDPI (192×192), TV banner (320×180).
  4. ADB Driver Installer: If you want to install the Google ADB Driver on the Windows Computer, then head over to Download 15 Seconds ADB installer page.
  5. Credits: APK Icon Editor is created and distributed by Alexander Gorishnyak (developer). So, full credit goes to him for sharing the tool for free.