Actions Hardware Check Tool is a Windows application that checks the hardware and memory of devices running on the Actions System-on-Chip (SoC) chips. Users can use it to test and diagnose hardware issues and gather information about the device’s components and performance.

Actions Hardware Check Tool

Features of Actions Hardware Check Tool

Actions Hardware Check Tool offers various features for testing and diagnosing hardware issues on devices with Actions SoC chips, including PMU Initial Test, DDR Scan, NAND CE Test, SD Card Test, Audio Test, and HDMI Test.

PMU Initial Test

PMU stands for Power Management Unit. This test enables users to check a device’s Power Management Unit to ensure proper functioning and identify potential issues, thus helping to troubleshoot power-related problems and ensure optimal device performance.

DDR 16Bit-32Bit Scan

The DDR 16-bit Scan and DDR 32-bit Scan features allow users to test a device’s memory to ensure it functions correctly and detect any errors or issues. Users can also use these features to troubleshoot memory-related problems on the device.


The NAND Test feature verifies the NAND flash memory of a device for any errors or issues, checking if it is functioning properly. It can test and troubleshoot NAND_CE1, NAND_CE2, NAND_CE3, and NAND_CE0 memory.

SD Card Test

The SD Card Test feature allows users to test the SD card of a device for any errors or issues and check if it is functioning properly. It can help troubleshoot and identify potential issues with the SD card, ensuring optimal device performance.

Audio Test

With the Audio Test feature, users can verify the functionality of a device’s audio components and detect any issues, such as distortion. It also provides detailed information on the device’s audio components, enabling users to troubleshoot audio-related problems.


The HDMI Test feature allows users to verify the functionality of a device’s HDMI interface and detect any issues. It also provides detailed information on the device’s HDMI interface, enabling users to troubleshoot and identify potential problems.

Download Actions Hardware Check Tool

Following are the Download links from which you can download the tool for Windows (32-bit or 64-bit).

Version Download
v1.0 Link
v1.2 Link
v1.3 Link


[*] Install the Actions USB Driver and connect the device to the PC via USB. If the Actions USB Driver has been installed correctly, it should be displayed under the device manager. Reinstall the driver if the device isn’t visible or listed under Computer’s device Manager.

[*] USB Driver: If you are looking for a USB Driver compatible with the Actions Hardware Check Tool, then head over to the Actions Product Driver page.

[*] Credits: Actions Pad Product Tool is created and distributed by Actions Semiconductor Co. Ltd. So, full credit goes to them for sharing the Application for free.